Ascension Lutheran Church
Willow Street, PA
Ascension Lutheran Church
Our Missions & Outreach
Ascension Lutheran is a community of believers who confess God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and proclaim the Word of God as the guiding truth of our life and faith, calling us as ambassadors of Christ to love, serve, and teach his children.
Joseph's Table Community Meal
Every Third Thursday, Ascension hosts a community meal. Ascension has been serving the community through Joseph’s Table for eight years. This ministry will celebrate its anniversary in April, 2024. You are welcome to come to the church between 5:30-6:00 every Third Thursday, drive through the parking lot, and receive your meal. “Take-out” only, drive through meals will continue through 2024.
Ascension Academy
The mission of Ascension Academy is to provide educational programs in the visual and musical arts, to students of all ages and levels. Currently the school offers flute, clarinet, and saxophone lessons provided by Janine Thomas, and keyboard and guitar lessons given by our music director John Zielinski. For more information, contact John Zielinski.
Bridge of Hope
Churches Respond. Homelessness Ends. Hope Begins. Bridge of Hope (BOH) partners with Christian communities to serve families at risk of homelessness in the Lancaster area. BOH connects a family to a Neighboring Church Group and BOH staff person. Ascension is currently seeking volunteers to host another Neighboring Family. Ascension continues to support BOH with monetary donations directed to general mission and rental assistance.
Local Homeless Shelters
Solanco Neighborhood Ministries
Engaging Families. Meeting Needs. Giving Hope. Solanco Neighborhood Ministries is a faith based ministry that provides support networks, promotes spiritual/personal growth, increases self-sufficiency, and seeks to break the cycles of poverty. Ascension supports this work by donating food items and money to Solanco. You may bring items to weekend worship. The current list of needed items can be found on the Welcome Center or in the weekly email blast.
Message Us
Get In touch below.
Or Call Us
(717) 464-5683
Church Location
600 East Penn Grant Road
Willow Street, PA 17584-0635
Office Hours *
Tues., Wed., Thurs.: 9:30 AM - 1:30PM
* Please call ahead before you make your visit: (717) 464-5683
Ascension Lutheran Church
600 East Penn Grant Road
Willow Street, PA, 17584-0635
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