Ascension Lutheran Church

Willow Street, PA


Click here to view the Ascension Lutheran Church Calendar.

Christmas at Ascension


You are invited to join us on Christmas Eve (Tuesday, 12/24) for Traditional Worship Services of Holy Communion with Candle-lighting and Carols.  Services will be held at 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., & 9:00 p.m.  There will be a children’s message at the 3:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. services.  

Christmas Survey

Ascension’s staff and council is assessing the need to change the times of worship on Christmas Eve, beginning in 2025. If you attend worship on Christmas Eve, please fill out a survey and return it to the receptacle. 

Christmas Decorating

We are seeking volunteers to help decorate on Saturday, December 21st at 9:30 a.m. Please sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Pastor Maureen.

Poinsettias will be delivered on Monday, December 23rd.  If you are able to help display them, please contact Pastor Maureen.

Service of Lessons and Carols

The traditional Service of Lessons and Carols will be held on December 28th (6:00 p.m.) & 29th (9:30 a.m.). We invite you to join us as we hear the Christmas story read from its Old Testament roots to its manifestation in the New Testament texts.  



Lydia Circle

All women of the parish are invited to join us for our monthly gathering of Lydia Circle.

This group meets on the FIRST Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 7th at 7:00 p.m.  Pastor Maureen will present on the topic of Father Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk, and spiritual writer and guide.

December Tenfold Collections: Non-perisahble food and snacks.  Thank you!

WASS Group

The Widows and Senior Singles Group meets on the THIRD Wednesday of each month.

The group will gather on will meet again on Wednesday, January 15th  at noon.  The group will dine at Mick’s Pub & Restaurant (2428 Willow Street Pike, Willow Street).  A sign-up is posted in the narthex for those who wish to attend.

Joseph’s Table Community Meal

Joseph’s Table is Ascension’s monthly take-out only community meal.

The next take-out only meal will be held on Thursday, December 19th from 5:30-6:00 p.m.  Serving Ham, MAC, stewed tomatoes,  and Dessert (Please note: Menu is subject to change!)

Sign up sheets are posted two weeks prior to the meal for preparation and distribution volunteers; parking lot attendants; and congregational donations (if needed).

Men’s Group

The group meets on the FIRST Saturday of each month.  The next gathering will be held on January 4th (cooking begins at 7:30 a.m.; breakfast at 8:30a.m.).  Please sign up if you are planning to attend.

Join us for a time of fellowship!

End of Year Giving

Thank you for your financial gifts during 2024If you would like to make a final gift, you may:

  • Bring your gift to worship on December 28th/29th
  • Drop your gift in the church mailbox by NOON on December 31st
  • Dend it via USPS (please note: it must be postmarked by December 31st)

Thank you for your 2024 financial contributions! 


ELCA Good Gifts

Looking for a gift for a hard-to-buy person?  Want to help support hunger ministries throughout the world?  Make a gift to ELCA World Hunger through their “Good Gifts” Program.  

Choose your gifts, get a card, and make a difference!  Click here for more information. 



Casting Our Nets Prayer Shawl Ministry

Casting Our Nets, Ascension’s Prayer Shawl Ministry, provides beautifully knitted and crocheted prayer shawls to members, family, and friends of the congregation.  If you would like a prayer shawl to give to someone experiencing illness, loss, or another need, please stop by the church.  Prayer shawls can be found in the closet located in the church library.

Casting our Nets will resume on September 15th and meets every 1st and 3rd Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the conference room.

Lutheran World Relief

If you would like to make a financial contribution to support the work of LWF, you may click here. Your gifts will be used to deliver urgent support and care, like: food, shelter, and other critically needed items; mission quilts and kits for families who have fled their homes; and medicine and supplies for clinics.

First Sunday Fellowship

The next First Sunday Fellowship will be on December 8th following worship.

Would you consider being a host/hostess for one of our upcoming Fellowship Hours? We are looking for persons to host in 2025.  Please sign up in the narthex and see the bulletin board for details to contact Julie S, the Fellowship Hour Coordinator.

We need worship for our spirit and fellowship for our soul.

Ascension Academy Concert Series

The next concert in the 2024-2025 Ascension Academy Concert Series will be held in the Spring.  Further details will be provided.  

Solanco Food Bank Donations

Food items: Reverse Advent Calendar items (see Welcome Center)

Non-food items: Sizes 4, 5, & 6 diapers; baby wipes

You may also make monetary donations to the food bank by:

1. Making a donation through your giving envelope (Please write “Solanco Food Bank” on the envelope).

2. Sending a check directly to Solanco Neighborhood Ministries (write “Food Bank” on the memo link), 355 Buck Road, Quarryville, PA 17566.

3. Visiting their website and making an online donation (click here).


Devotional Materials

Copies of the Upper Room devotionals for  January/February are available at the Church Office or on the Welcome Center.

USPS Mailing Address

The postal service has asked that all correspondences sent to Ascension should use the P.O. Box address:
Ascension Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 635
Willow Street, PA 17584

Blood Drive

Ascension holds quarterly blood drives throughout the year.  The schedule for 2025 will be posted in January.  

Ascension holds these drives in partnership with Lancaster General Hospital and the Willow Street Lion’s Club.  Donors can be up to 79 years of age to donate off-site.  Please remember to eat a healthy meal before giving blood and stay well hydrated! 

Please consider sharing this vital gift.  Each donations helps up to three people!   

Water Street Mission Collection

If you would like to make an in-kind donations to the “Needs List” at WSM, Ascension will be collecting the following items for December (please place items in the designated box): Disinfectant Wipes and sprays, paper towels.

You may also make a donation to Water Street Mission by clicking here.  

Worship Helpers Needed

  • Altar Guild: Ascension is seeking one to two additional volunteers to assist with Sunday altar guild needs.  The commitment is about 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the worship service to set-up and clean-up Holy Communion.
  • Assisting Ministers: Assisting ministers help lead the weekly services. We are seeking additional volunteers for the Saturday evening service (Please note: Saturday evening assistants prepare and clean up the altar for Holy Communion)
  • Weekly Greeters: Lists for the Saturday and Sunday services can be found on the Welcome Center.  Please sign up on the date listed and arrive approximately 15-20 minutes before the service.  Greeters welcome worship attendees and point to information for visitors.

Mowing Teams and Gardeners

THANK YOU to our 2024 mowing teams and our coordinators Eric and Tammy H!

If you have any interest in joining a mowing team or volunteering to care for a garden bed, please contact the pastor.

THANK YOU to everyone who continues to care for our garden beds and Memorial Garden, especially to Hil F for coordinating the gardeners!  

Bridge of Hope

Churches Respond. Homelessness Ends. Hope Begins.

Ascension has been Neighboring a family since the Spring of 2024.  All rental assitance contributions will be directed to assist our Neighboring Family.  Please label your offering envelope “BOH rental assistance.”  Thank you to everyone who continues to make a gift!

If you feel called to assist the Neighboring Group in any way, please contact the pastor.  Thank you to our current group of Dee, Elena, Diane, Linda, and Pastor Maureen (with our additional helpers Rand and Sara)!

Email Blast

If you would like to be placed on our weekly email blast, please contact the church office via telephone or email.

© Copyright 2024 | All Rights Reserved
Ascension Lutheran Church
600 East Penn Grant Road
Willow Street, PA, 17584-0635

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